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probation for dui

Fairfax DUI Probation Violation Defense

Defense Against a DUI Violation Of Probation for DUI in Fairfax

dui probation violation fairfax

Sentencing in driving under influence cases if the defendant is proven to be guilty is usually multifaceted. There is suspension of license, possible jail term, fines and probation. There are other punishments as well. You should appoint an expert DUI lawyer in Fairfax to avert a conviction. If you are under probation and you have violated it, then it is imperative for you to seek immediate legal counsel.

Immediate Legal Measures following DUI Probation Violation in Fairfax, California

Violation of probation for DUI is a serious offense. Driving under influence is a criminal offense in the state of California. Any violation of the punishments is also a crime and can warrant severe reprimand from the court. Fairfax impaired driving cases are often complex owing to the stringency of the law and the various types of penalties. The seriousness of the crime also varies, from misdemeanor to felony. The punishment varies accordingly as well. Probation violation also draws varying degrees of reprimand depending on the nature of the offense.

The criminal justice system has well laid protocols for defendants and convicts to seek legal recourse. You must seek immediate legal measures in case of a violation of probation for DUI. California laws are strict in regards to DUI care and control cases. Whether you wish to seek probation or you have already violated it, our DUI lawyers in Fairfax can help you prepare an effective defense that will stand the crucial scrutiny in a court.

Consequences of DUI Probation Violation in Fairfax, CA

The court will consider probation violation for DUI as a repeat offense and may impose one or more of the following punishments. The severity of the punishments will depend on the nature of the original crime, the scope of sentence and the criminal background or history of similar offenses of the convict.

  • A court may levy a fine of four hundred up to a thousand dollars. The exact fine varies from one county to another across the state. Usually the fine is at least twice or thrice the amount after court assessments and penalties are accounted for.
  • Violating probation will lead to suspension of license for six months up to four years. It is legally possible to have the suspension reviewed and converted to restricted license that will enable you to drive from and to work, school and other locations as approved by the court, including a driving under influence rehab program or classes you have been mandated to attend. This option is only available to those who are deemed by the judge to be a safe driver and hence not a threat to traffic and public safety.
  • Violations may warrant the completion of an alcohol program at a licensed driving under the influence school for anywhere from twelve hours to thirty months. There can be a jail sentence too. Violators may have to spend a certain number of days at a county jail.
  • There are a few sentences that are common regardless of the number of times one has been convicted of driving under influence or past DUI probation violation.
  • The judge may sentence a violator to information probation for three to five years if one does not report to the probation officer.
  • Committing any other criminal offense or the same one is stringently prohibited during probation. The consequence can be severe otherwise.
  • One may have to agree to chemical tests for the assessment of blood alcohol concentration. There may be preliminary alcohol screening test, breath test, blood test and urine test if impaired driving is suspected.
  • One is restricted from driving if there is any trace of alcohol in the system. Adults can drive with a blood alcohol concentration level of less than 0.08% but not violators. The zero tolerance policy of the state law is applicable following DUI probation violation.

Those who end up with DUI probation violation and do not comply with the orders of the court can be sent to jail. A judge is likely to revoke probation and sentence a jail term and also deny further requests of parole. The jail term is certainly applicable in cases where the original crime was felony. Violation of probation for DUI also warrants a jail term even if the original crime was a misdemeanor.[/vc_column_text]

DUI Probation Violation Defense in Fairfax

The courts across the city, county and the state rely on probation to supervise or monitor people following a conviction. The rules should be followed without any exception. Even the minutest deviation or violation of probation for DUI in Fairfax is taken seriously and a judge is unlikely to be lenient. This makes it quite hard to mount a defense for DUI probation violation. Hence, you should appoint the most astute lawyers in the city to offer the necessary legal assistance.

Proving a DUI Probation Violation in Fairfax

The probation order will lay out the terms that are effectively rules to be followed without any violation of any sort. Those on probation must appear in court when needed, one must not miss attending the programs as mandated and appointed by the courts, one should report to the probation officer as required and there should not be any further criminal offense of any kind, whether another driving under influence incident or some other crime.

Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offense in Fairfax

probation for DUI fairfax

violated probation with a DUI fairfax

Types Of DUI Charges:

Impaired Driving

Driving Under The Influence

Over 80 m.g. DUI

Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

Care and Control

Multiple DUI Offenses

Consequences Of A DUI:

Criminal Record

Serving a Jail Sentence

Drivers License Suspension

Payment of Fines

Travel Restrictions

Loss of Income


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Criminal Charges For a DUI Probation Violation in Fairfax, California

A DUI probation violation is considered a criminal offense under the law in California and is dealt with in the strictest manner. There are a few different ways in which the prosecution can proceed when dealing with a DUI probation violation. Apart from facing hefty fines and a jail term, you could end up with a criminal record that won’t go away easily.

got a DUI on probation fairfax

dui violation fairfax

DUI Probation Violation is a Criminal Charge in Fairfax, California

DUI probation violation is a criminal offense. There are steep fines and a jail term is very common. Those who have a criminal record and history of other crimes will be dealt with even more stringently. You must have an expert lawyer for your defense against probation violation for DUI.
Violation of probation for DUI is a repeat offense. You are directly violating the verdict of the court. You are going against the justice system and not abiding by the instructions of the judge. The repercussions can be very serious so your defense should be meticulously planned to reduce the severity of the case and hence the quantum of the subsequent punishment.

Get in Touch With Us If You Have Violated Probation With a DUI in Fairfax

In case you’ve violated probation with a DUI and you are wondering whether you stand a chance of ever getting out, the answer is yes. Although the court imposes intense fines, an extended probation or even actual jail time in such cases, you can still protect yourself from these consequences by hiring a professional, high-quality lawyer. Fairfax DUI lawyer will fight to protect you from any consequences arising from the commission of a probation violation with a DUI. Having a dependable lawyer by your side can ensure you are zealously advocated for.


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    How We Help our experience is your advantage
    The initial in-person consultation to discuss your legal matter is FREE. The consultation is a personal meeting with a DUI attorney directly, and not an Associate. This is perhaps the most stressful time of a person’s life and thus there is no time limit to the meeting. Our experience includes a wide range of criminal and quasi-criminal litigation with a strong focus on drinking and driving offences. When you come in and visit us we will evaluate your case and we will take whatever time is necessary to carefully review and discuss your criminal matter in a professional environment.

    Areas Of Expertise what we are best at
    • Impaired Driving
    • Driving Under The Influence
    • Over 80 DUI
    • Failure To Provide
    • Multiple DUI Offences
    • Care And Control


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    Fairfax DUI Defense Attorney

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    Fairfax DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

    We fight DUI charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

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    As experienced drunk driving attorneys, we are successful at gathering necessary information to protect you against drunk driving charges.

    Over 80mg DUI Charges

    We have shown consistently favorable results when defending our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges utilizing detailed investigation strategies.

    Failure To provide Charges

    As recognized DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding your safety and protection from all consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

    Available 24/7 For Immediate Assistance

    Superior Knowledge

    Impaired Driving Charges

    Our team of impaired driving lawyers have extensive experience studying evidence and will provide a strong defense on your behalf at trial.

    Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

    We explore all possibilities when defending clients who have multiple DUI offenses and we strive to fight your case in the best way possible.

    DUI Care and Control Charges

    Our reputable DUI lawyers will protect you in court and make sure that you receive the best possible defense against any care and control charges.


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