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fight drunk driving charges

Ross Drunk Driving Defense

Defending Drunk Driving Charges in Ross

drunk driving ross

Due to the severe and harsh punishments that are handed out to DUI offenders charged with impaired driving in Ross, it is always advisable to contact an experienced and reliable DUI Lawyer.

What To Do When Caught Driving Drunk in Ross

Drunk driving or driving while drunk is a criminal offense in the state of California. It has severe punishments including jail term, hefty fine, license suspension for anywhere from six months to several years, probation for up to three years, community service, installation of ignition interlock device in the vehicle, rehab and education program among other penalties. The punishment can be even more severe if there are additional charges such as damage caused to property, causing bodily injury or causing death by negligence, referred to as driving under influence manslaughter.

We have many years of experience in successfully defending our clients facing drunk driving charges, as one of the most reputed and experienced drunk driving lawyers in Ross. As renowned DUI criminal defense attorneys, we have shown consistent results, largely due to our vigorous cross-examination of prosecution witnesses as well as our ability to target technical insufficiencies. If you have been charged for driving while drunk in Ross, CA, you should get in touch with us as soon as possible. The earlier you get in contact with us the better it is for your case.

First Step after you are Charged with Drunk Driving in Ross, California

Given the seriousness of the offense and the possible sentence upon conviction as per the law, the first step is to seek legal counsel. You must immediately appoint a DUI defense lawyer in Ross, moments after your arrest if possible. You should not wait even a day. Experienced DUI defense lawyers in Ross must start preparing a case in your favor right after you have been charged. DUI lawyers need to investigate the case, visit and inspect the scene, speak with eye witnesses, gather evidence and also find out the entire procedure that led to the stopping of the vehicle at the checkpoint, the tests conducted and their results, explore possible violations of the law or procedure by the arresting officer and other flaws.

Drunk driving cases routinely go to trials. Driving under influence is actually the most common crime for which ordinary citizens have to face trial. Convictions in drunk driving cases have shot up in recent times because of the alacrity with which the law enforcement is working and the solid cases being presented by the prosecutors across the state of California. The trial is almost always based on technicalities so it is almost impossible for anyone unaware of the law and its full scope of implementation to counter the technical arguments presented by the prosecutor. You should appoint the best DUI defense lawyer before your case is prepared for trial.
Our DUI lawyers in Ross have decades of experience. We have been successfully defending our clients charged with drunk driving. Our expertise and resources have helped secure favorable verdicts at trials. We routinely succeed at getting driving while drunk charges dropped and the case dismissed even before it is ready for trial. We are also specialists in plea bargains. Should a case go to trial, we have the means and astuteness to argue the charges and can counter the prosecution to secure a favorable verdict. Anyone charged with drunk driving for the first time should look for an acquittal so there is no permanent criminal record. Only the finest DUI lawyers can help defendants avoid a conviction.

Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A Drunk Driving Offense

drunk and drive ross

driving while drunk ross

Types Of DUI Charges:

Impaired Driving

Driving Under The Influence

Over 80 m.g. DUI

Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

Care and Control

Multiple DUI Offenses

Consequences Of A DUI:

Criminal Record

Serving a Jail Sentence

Drivers License Suspension

Payment of Fines

Travel Restrictions

Loss of Income


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The Complications of Drunk Driving Charges in Ross

The law states that anyone driving under the influence is committing a crime. Impaired driving is not permitted and anyone with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or more should be arrested and booked for drunk driving. The blood alcohol concentration should be less than 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood. Many people drive under influence but they are no impaired. Yet, the blood alcohol concentration can be over 0.08%. The driver may be fully alert. One may not be drunk even. It takes very few drinks to breach the 80mg alcohol per 100ml of blood. Many are biological and other factors also play a role. It is quite possible that a person is not even remotely drunk or impaired but the blood alcohol concentration may be over 0.08%, effectively paving the way for legally admissible drunk driving charges.

DUI or drunk driving law in California has a zero tolerance policy for people aged less than twenty one. Teenagers or adolescents aged under twenty one should not have any traces of alcohol in their breath or blood. If the blood alcohol concentration is 0.01% or more, then the underage driver can be arrested and booked for drunk driving. 0.01% is definitely not a level that indicates impaired driving. Due to these stringencies of the law, it is quite easy to get charged with drunk driving and that explains the alarming increase in the number of cases being filed all across the state, most of which are going to trial. You need a DUI trial lawyer in Ross immediately after you are arrested for driving while drunk.

drunk while driving ross

driving drunk ross

Additional Tests following Drunk Driving Arrest in Ross

The first evaluation may be a breathalyzer test. The police officer at the checkpoint may conduct a field sobriety test. Additionally, there may be blood and urine tests. All these tests and their results will be used against the driver charged with drunk driving. The blood and urine will also be tested for other drugs. The tests may find traces of prescription drugs or over the counter medicines that are known to cause impairment. The tests may also find traces of marijuana, banned substances and narcotics.
Field sobriety tests are often recorded on video. The samples of blood and urine are supposed to be tested by certified technicians. The evidences can easily get stacked up and it may become increasingly difficult to defend the accused unless an expert DUI lawyer in Ross finds procedural lapses, violation of rights and challenge one or more of the steps taken by the law enforcement. For instance, only approved screening devices should be used for the tests, the arresting officer should follow all the guidelines as made clear by the law throughout the whole episode and no rights of the defendant should be violated at any stage. Such flaws can be used by an expert DUI lawyer in Ross to get the drunk driving charges dropped and the entire case dismissed, well before trial.

Choose a Specialist DUI Lawyer to Beat Drunk Driving Charges in Ross

Defendants should appoint a DUI lawyer who is a specialist. A defense trial lawyer with proven expertise in drunk driving cases is your best bet. Despite the seriousness of the crime and the severity of the punishments, the seemingly irrefutable evidences and the technicalities presented by the prosecution, it is possible to beat drunk driving charges in Ross.


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    How We Help our experience is your advantage
    The initial in-person consultation to discuss your legal matter is FREE. The consultation is a personal meeting with a DUI attorney directly, and not an Associate. This is perhaps the most stressful time of a person’s life and thus there is no time limit to the meeting. Our experience includes a wide range of criminal and quasi-criminal litigation with a strong focus on drinking and driving offences. When you come in and visit us we will evaluate your case and we will take whatever time is necessary to carefully review and discuss your criminal matter in a professional environment.

    Areas Of Expertise what we are best at
    • Impaired Driving
    • Driving Under The Influence
    • Over 80 DUI
    • Failure To Provide
    • Multiple DUI Offences
    • Care And Control


    Charged with Drink Driving in Albany Charged with Drink Driving in American Canyon Charged with Drink Driving in Antioch Charged with Drink Driving in Atherton Charged with Drink Driving in Belmont Charged with Drink Driving in Belvedere Charged with Drink Driving in Benicia Charged with Drink Driving in Berkeley Charged with Drink Driving in Brentwood Charged with Drink Driving in Brisbane Charged with Drink Driving in Burlingame Charged with Drink Driving in Calistoga Charges for Drinking and Driving in Albany Charges for Drinking and Driving in American Canyon Charges for Drinking and Driving in Antioch Charges for Drinking and Driving in Atherton Charges for Drinking and Driving in Belmont Charges for Drinking and Driving in Belvedere Charges for Drinking and Driving in Benicia Charges for Drinking and Driving in Berkeley Charges for Drinking and Driving in Brentwood Charges for Drinking and Driving in Brisbane Charges for Drinking and Driving in Burlingame Drink Driving Charges in Albany Drink Driving Charges in American Canyon Drink Driving Charges in Antioch Drink Driving Charges in Atherton Drink Driving Charges in Belmont Drink Driving Charges in Belvedere Drink Driving Charges in Benicia Drink Driving Charges in Berkeley Drink Driving Charges in Brentwood Drink Driving Charges in Brisbane Drink Driving Charges in Burlingame Drinking and Driving Charges in Albany Drinking and Driving Charges in American Canyon Drinking and Driving Charges in Antioch Drinking and Driving Charges in Atherton Drinking and Driving Charges in Belmont Drinking and Driving Charges in Belvedere Drinking and Driving Charges in Benicia Drinking and Driving Charges in Berkeley Drinking and Driving Charges in Brentwood Drinking and Driving Charges in Brisbane Drinking and Driving Charges in Burlingame

    Ross DUI Defense Attorney

    dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

    Ross DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

    We fight drunk driving charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

    Invaluable Experience

    Drunk Driving Charges

    As experienced drunk driving attorneys, we are successful at gathering necessary information to protect you against drunk driving charges.

    Over 80mg DUI Charges

    We have shown consistently favorable results when defending our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges utilizing detailed investigation strategies.

    Failure To provide Charges

    As recognized DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding your safety and protection from all consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

    Available 24/7 For Immediate Assistance

    Superior Knowledge

    Impaired Driving Charges

    Our team of impaired driving lawyers have extensive experience studying evidence and will provide a strong defense on your behalf at trial.

    Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

    We explore all possibilities when defending clients who have multiple DUI offenses and we strive to fight your case in the best way possible.

    DUI Care and Control Charges

    Our reputable DUI lawyers will protect you in court and make sure that you receive the best possible defense against any care and control charges.


    Call For Your Free Consultation.

    driving and drinking charges

    Ross Drinking And Driving Defense

    Defending Drinking and Driving Charges in Ross

    drinking and driving ross

    Drinking and driving charges have to be proven or defended in a court. Defendants should always have a reliable and astute DUI lawyer in Ross for an effective drinking and driving defense.

    Immediate Legal Course following Drinking and Driving Charges in Ross, California

    There has been a recent spurt of drinking and driving convictions in Ross. The increasing number of drinking and driving cases going to trial and more convictions do not augur well for defendants. DUI is a criminal offense. It leads to severe punishments if an accused is held guilty of the offense in a court. It is imperative for a defendant to appoint a specialist driving and driving lawyer in Ross. The trials are almost always fought on technical factors and an impeccable quality of defense is necessary. You need a DUI lawyer who is skilled and completely aware of the entire scope of California Vehicle Code Section 23152.

    We have the most experienced drinking and driving lawyers in Ross. All our lawyers have many years of experience and have been successfully defending our clients charged with driving and drinking. Our drinking and driving lawyers are experts at cross-examining witnesses put forth by the prosecution. They can identify technical insufficiencies and successfully put up a robust defense to secure a favorable verdict. You can rely on our immaculate record of defending clients against drinking while driving charges in Ross, CA. Give us a call immediately for timely legal consultation and intervention in the case.

    Drinking while Driving Charges for BAC Exceeding 0.08% in Ross

    BAC is blood alcohol concentration. As per the state law, anyone driving with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or more is driving under influence and hence has committed a criminal offense. This is regardless of any accident, damage to property, bodily injury or fatality. 0.08% is the equivalent of 80mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood. There are many provisions in the California Vehicle Code Section 23152 including its subsections that can make many types of evidence admissible in a court of law. All such evidences should be effectively countered or at least a reasonable doubt must be established to mount a robust defense against drinking and driving charges.

    Over the years, our lawyers in Ross have successfully studied evidences, investigated the charges, inspected the actual scenes and cross-examined witnesses to counter the prosecution. There are many effective defense tactics that can be used in different circumstances, all the way from questioning the validity of the arrest to raising doubts over the legality of the procedure leading up to the breath and blood tests. We do not just fight drinking and driving charges but also protect the rights of the defendant as guaranteed by the constitution.

    Do Not Hesitate To Contact Us If You Have Received A DUI Offense in Ross

    drinking while driving ross

    drinking and driving charges ross

    Types Of DUI Charges:

    Impaired Driving

    Driving Under The Influence

    Over 80 m.g. DUI

    Failure to Provide a Breathe Sample

    Care and Control

    Multiple DUI Offenses

    Consequences Of A DUI:

    Criminal Record

    Serving a Jail Sentence

    Drivers License Suspension

    Payment of Fines

    Travel Restrictions

    Loss of Income


    Call Us for a free Consultation

    Additional Drug Tests for Drinking and Driving in Ross

    The breathalyzer test is not the only one to charge someone with drinking and driving in Ross. Field sobriety tests are common. Blood tests are also common. Usually, a blood test follows a breathalyzer test and a field sobriety test. Defendants may have an uphill task if they had failed all the three tests. However, there can be procedural lapses and administrative errors on the part of the law enforcement, be it the arresting officer or the technician who has worked with the samples to draw the inference in the test results.

    Drinking and driving defense can be mounted using any legally valid ground of getting the case dismissed or to establish reasonable doubt that the defendant has been wronged in some way. It is mandatory for the law enforcement to follow the guidelines laid down by the relevant codes and any violation can work in favor of the accused. These technical and legal complexities are the primary reason why drinking and driving trials demand an astute lawyer.

    driving and drinking ross

    charged with drinking while driving ross

    Sobriety Tests for Driving and Drinking in Ross, CA

    Field sobriety tests are an examination conducted by a police officer, usually at the checkpoint or the site where a vehicle is stopped. The field sobriety test is aimed at establishing the lack of physical coordination in order to prove that the driver is impaired under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, drugs or other intoxicating substance. A field sobriety test is essentially simply but the findings or the conclusions may not always be definitive. Personal assessments of a police officer, probably presumptions or even biases can come into play and hence the findings can be questioned in a court of law to mount a drinking and driving defense. A field sobriety test is often the precursor to other and more technical tests so it is important to question the legal validity of the process followed.

    Drinking and Driving Defense based on Use of Approved Screening Instruments in Ross

    All drinking while driving charges can be legally admissible only when approved screening instruments have been used. If wrong instruments are used, if the devices were not calibrated properly and if the technician who carried out the test to draw the conclusion was not certified by the state, then the entire drinking and driving case may get quashed with an effective defense. The blood alcohol concentration and other test results will become questionable and reasonable doubt will be established if the instruments, devices or processes used were not as per the approval or according to the guidelines of the California Vehicle Code.

    Hire a Specialist DUI Lawyer for Robust Drinking and Driving Defense in Ross

    Drinking while driving defense has to be robust as there is no room for error in questioning the test results or raising doubts about the technicalities of the various processes. Only a specialist drinking and driving defense lawyer in Ross can present the case favorably for a defendant. Appoint a DUI lawyer who has an incredible track record of securing favorable verdicts for defendants of drinking while driving charges. You have to avert a conviction for a criminal offense and it is best not to take chances with inexperienced or unspecialized lawyers.


    Call Us for a free Consultation

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    24 Hours

    24 Hours, 7 Days A Week

    Email Us Now our staff will be in touch

      How We Help our experience is your advantage
      The initial in-person consultation to discuss your legal matter is FREE. The consultation is a personal meeting with a DUI attorney directly, and not an Associate. This is perhaps the most stressful time of a person’s life and thus there is no time limit to the meeting. Our experience includes a wide range of criminal and quasi-criminal litigation with a strong focus on drinking and driving offences. When you come in and visit us we will evaluate your case and we will take whatever time is necessary to carefully review and discuss your criminal matter in a professional environment.

      Areas Of Expertise what we are best at
      • Impaired Driving
      • Driving Under The Influence
      • Over 80 DUI
      • Failure To Provide
      • Multiple DUI Offences
      • Care And Control


      Charged with Drink Driving in Albany Charged with Drink Driving in American Canyon Charged with Drink Driving in Antioch Charged with Drink Driving in Atherton Charged with Drink Driving in Belmont Charged with Drink Driving in Belvedere Charged with Drink Driving in Benicia Charged with Drink Driving in Berkeley Charged with Drink Driving in Brentwood Charged with Drink Driving in Brisbane Charged with Drink Driving in Burlingame Charged with Drink Driving in Calistoga Charges for Drinking and Driving in Albany Charges for Drinking and Driving in American Canyon Charges for Drinking and Driving in Antioch Charges for Drinking and Driving in Atherton Charges for Drinking and Driving in Belmont Charges for Drinking and Driving in Belvedere Charges for Drinking and Driving in Benicia Charges for Drinking and Driving in Berkeley Charges for Drinking and Driving in Brentwood Charges for Drinking and Driving in Brisbane Charges for Drinking and Driving in Burlingame Drink Driving Charges in Albany Drink Driving Charges in American Canyon Drink Driving Charges in Antioch Drink Driving Charges in Atherton Drink Driving Charges in Belmont Drink Driving Charges in Belvedere Drink Driving Charges in Benicia Drink Driving Charges in Berkeley Drink Driving Charges in Brentwood Drink Driving Charges in Brisbane Drink Driving Charges in Burlingame Drinking and Driving Charges in Albany Drinking and Driving Charges in American Canyon Drinking and Driving Charges in Antioch Drinking and Driving Charges in Atherton Drinking and Driving Charges in Belmont Drinking and Driving Charges in Belvedere Drinking and Driving Charges in Benicia Drinking and Driving Charges in Berkeley Drinking and Driving Charges in Brentwood Drinking and Driving Charges in Brisbane Drinking and Driving Charges in Burlingame

      Ross DUI Defense Attorney

      dui lawyer DUI attorney 6

      Ross DUI Defense Attorney With Consistent Results

      We fight drinking and driving charges to the ground and our success rates speak for themselves.

      Invaluable Experience

      Drunk Driving Charges

      As experienced drunk driving attorneys, we are successful at gathering necessary information to protect you against drunk driving charges.

      Over 80mg DUI Charges

      We have shown consistently favorable results when defending our clients against over 80 m.g DUI charges utilizing detailed investigation strategies.

      Failure To provide Charges

      As recognized DUI lawyers, we believe in upholding your safety and protection from all consequences arising from a failure to provide DUI charge.

      Available 24/7 For Immediate Assistance

      Superior Knowledge

      Impaired Driving Charges

      Our team of impaired driving lawyers have extensive experience studying evidence and will provide a strong defense on your behalf at trial.

      Multiple DUI Charges and Offenses

      We explore all possibilities when defending clients who have multiple DUI offenses and we strive to fight your case in the best way possible.

      DUI Care and Control Charges

      Our reputable DUI lawyers will protect you in court and make sure that you receive the best possible defense against any care and control charges.


      Call For Your Free Consultation.

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